' '' An Introduction To Social Kickstart 2.0 - iC Digital Assets Ltd

An Introduction To Social Kickstart 2.0

Social Kickstart 2.0Used By Some Of The Leading Facebook Marketers In The Industry!

Engage with Unique Audiences from
Multiple Social Networks With ONE CLICK

Schedule and Post unique, viral content to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn from
one single interface… all at the exact same time!

Uncover Popular Proven VIRAL Content

Find hyper-relevant, shareable content that works for your audience through YouTube, Facebook Pages and Groups, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, and Meme Search.

View In-Depth Share and Like Counts, and Schedule The Content to Be Posted to YOUR FanPages, Groups, LinkedIn Posts, and Twitter Feeds for viral appeal, without writing a single word.

Spending Too Much Manual Time on Your Social Marketing?

Create a complete Hands Off Social Presence with our Automated Drip Scheduler.

Schedule your content to automatically drip content one or multiple times a day, every other day, weekly, or whatever schedule you choose.

All you have to do is supply the content and Social Kickstart will automate the entire publishing schedule for you.

Facebook gives top news feed priority and rank to Live Videos compared to any other type of content posted on their platform. Take advantage of it!

NOW, you can Go Live from Social Kickstart using Pre-Recorded Videos to be scheduled as “Live” broadcasts on Facebook.

Use ANY Video and Push it Live to Your Audience

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