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Email Marketing

Business and Digital Marketing Analysis

All your current digital assets should be connected and working continuously….that is BEFORE..DURING..and AFTER
a prospect visits one of your ASSETS, be it Facebook, Images, Reports,
email in fact ALL of them. They should all support what YOU WANT
( which is a conversion) and what YOUR CUSTOMER WANTS, which is a solution to their problem.

We Design Landing Pages For You

 A Landing Page ( such as the one in the example is a page designed for a specific purpose, usually to elicit a request to opt-in for a newsletter or download a product. Landing pages can be designed inside your website or on externally hosted landing page platforms. They are more versatile that coding individual website pages and can be designed in-house. Even though they are designed on a separate platform, they look like they are part of the website.

Video Marketing
Video Marketing Platforms Explained

We advise on Video Marketing Platforms

Sales Videos can be used to great effect within your website, on landing pages,in email automation and connected to text and social media accounts. Most companies use Youtube, which is free but can have a lot of restrictions on how it is used. In Youtube you can create your own channel and playlists. It is by far the most popular video channel platform.  Many companies, we have found, do not use any of the features in Youtube, rarely embrace SEO within Youtube and rarely see it as a marketing platform in it’s own right. We have experienced associates who can tech you these techniques. There are over 35 different video hosting platforms,the video example shown is hosted on Wistia, which allows clickable links within the video.

We Carry Out Marketing "Discovery" For You

 Sometimes a company cannot “see the wood for the trees”. Try as they might, their perspective of what they are trying to achieve with Digital Marketing is limited by the details. It takes time and focus to go through the processes required to ” discover”, what is working and what is not working. We have a lot of experience at this process. It’s methodical and forensic, sometimes surprising, sometimes annoying and frustrating ( for the staff and the owner). The truth hurts sometimes. We have a one and two day process of discovery which will benefit the company, almost immediately.

We Design Email Marketing Systems For You

Many companies have a newsletter opt-in button on their website. 90% of the time this is a simple passive database and requires a “marketing meeting”  to decide what to send out and when to send it out.

We have found, even in large companies, the captured email does not form part of a structured sales and engagement cycle. We analyse your email database and see if it can be structured and tailored to an automated email marketing system which keeps your client informed.

Some email campaigns can be scheduled to deliver up to six months emails. Enterprise size systems can be programmed to deliver different destinations depending on the reaction of the email recipient.


Tackling complex cases and seeing them through

We help small and medium size companies use their current digital assets to create Automated Sales and Lead Generation Systems. .

Helping your digital assets work

All your current digital assets should be connected and working continuously...We also train your staff how to use them, and search for new Digital Marketing Tools and Methods

Elite team of experienced Marketers

Do you have an automated email system continuously keeping your prospects and customers informed of new products and services?

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