' '' £600 Report - iC Digital Assets Ltd
Save Your Company Thousands

This report can save your company thousands of of pounds and make you tens of thousands of pounds

They say you get more of what you focus on and Digital Marketing can be the great distractor for staff and clients alike. We focus on your business processes for four days and let you know where there are gaps and unused digital assets in your company.

Sometimes it is really hard to know where to begin with your Digital Marketing. We can have a one hour chat over the phone or via Skype and this will not cost you anything. It will mainly be us asking you a lot of questions.

If after that you think it would be a good idea for us to come to your office and spend time with you and your staff, we will carry out an Asset Inventory and Skill Analysis over a one or two day period and produce a report and an action plan over the following two days.

So here is an example of  what happens for £600. We send the report to the boss and arrange a follow meeting for up to two hours either by a visit, phone conference, Skype or any video conferencing facility that may be available.

At this stage, we do not recommend any changes, products or services. The £600 is a discovery and report process, not an ideas and suggestions process.

If after the meeting the Boss feels as though there could be some changes that need implementing, from staff interviews to system design then we make a proposal to suit the needs of the Boss and the departments, using our Price List as a guide. We are very flexible in terms of time and commitment and  use our Price List as the basis.

Here is an example of some of the activities we have been involved with as a result of this process

Financial Services and Media
Business Experience
Profit and Loss Analysis
What Are Your Marketing Objectives ?
Exhibitions and Conventions
What Skillset Does Your Staff Have?
Email Marketing and Automation
Whats Missing From Your Business?
Subscription Management
We Create A Study Report For You
Seminars and Conferences
We Create An Action Plan For You


Day 1

£ 150 / Per Day
  • *This is a day of discovery, an in depth confidential discussion with the owners of the company
£600 Report

Day 2

£ 150 / Per Day
  • Summarise and review
  • Meet the Staff
  • Walk through detail
  • Create a workflow
  • Reveiw the system
£600 Report

Day 3

£ 150 / Per Day
  • This is when we compile a a detailed flowchart of the marketing department and the staff procedures
£600 Report

Day 4

£ 150 / Per Day
  • On this day we creat a chart of the use of your assets and suggest areas of weakness and strength
£600 Report


Images and where they live

In Digital Marketing you will use a lot of images in a wide variety of sizes and formats. We have found these on desktops on different computers in different departments without routine backup and without copyright permission or acknowledgement. People download images and do not resize or compress them, this can slow your site down.

Email Automation

Even Companies with a newsletter opt-in sometimes have no backend email automation platform. This is an opportunity missed. Email automation is absolutely essential to keep customers and enquirers in the loop by sending frequent automated offers and information

Youtube Video Essentials

This is fantastic platform and has a lot of unique marketing features. A lot of people use Youtube and fail to connect it to all their other media. Youtube is owned by Google and it is an essential part of your marketing. You don’t have to produce videos, you can use animations or slides, we can show you how.

Unless you have a programme of education staff will learn at their pace, from the internet. What we do is establish the staff current skillset and then we sit down with you and create a job description and see if the skill set matches the job description

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