' '' Startup Bootstrapped - iC Digital Assets Ltd

How To Create Your First Successful Software Business With Little Capital

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about the //startup:bootstrapped // program

I was lucky enough to partner with Mark on a software product launch we did together. He handled the software side, I handled the marketing side. Holy s***, does he know his stuff. I had the unique chance to watch Mark in action as he walked me through his entire process. Lucky for you now, when you join his program you will have the same system that Mark personally walked me through. Don't even hesitate - jump in today - Mark is the go-to for anyone looking to sell software online. .
Cindy Donovan
IM Wealthbuilders
All of these videos are absolutely amazing and packed to the gills with value. I want to thank you guys (and gal) so much for making this information available to those of us who are just getting our feet wet with traffic getting!
Justn Sardi
Founder, Traffic Generation
I remember a few years ago how painful the software development process can be. There are so many things you have to do in order to create and launch a success piece of software, however Mark has figured out a way to streamline the process and breakdown each step with the help of easy to follow checklists, mindmaps and SOPs, significantly increasing your chances of software success!
Pat Flanagan
I already own a bootstrapped startup and we do alright. So when I thought about checking this course, I wasn't confident I could learn much. But boy was I wrong! This is a VERY detailed program that anyone looking to start a new venture needs to go through. Mark goes in-depth into both basic and advanced principles, and makes it easy to follow along. Highly recommended.
Neil Napier
I'm the creator of FB Lead Bank Pro, however I never would have been able to communicate and manage my developer properly without //Startup:Bootstrapped//. Mark tells you all of those little steps that most people get hung up on and why most Entrpreneurs never get their software built or way over budget. This program is the bible for anyone looking to start and run their own software start up regards
Phil Kasik
FB LeadBank
Mark does an amazing job at breaking down how to create a software that has your end customer in mind, providing them insane value, but at the same time making them want to continue paying you month after month. You won't find a collecting of training and resources in one place that is more in-depth, yet clear and concise, and easy to follow.
Justin Kresge
Business Development
There are 9 Modules
1. Mindset & Business
2. Development Methodology
3. The Development Process
4.Hiring Your Team

9 Modules. You’ll gain complete access to the Startup:Bootstrapped training program.  This is the exclusive system that we have used to generate over $20 million dollars in software sales.

Module 1. This module will set the stage for the rest of the program, helping you get into the right frame of mind and to help align your expectations when creating your first piece of software. Also we’ll cover the top 10 mistakes most people make and how to avoid them.

Module 2. Learn some of the “technical lingo” (don’t worry it’s easier than you think to understand) including some basic approaches and techniques to handling the overall development process and quality assurance.

Module 3. Look over my shoulder as I walk you through the entire development process that has been tweaked and refined through the years – providing you the most up-to-date, streamlined and efficient process to software development you’ve ever seen.

Module 4.Watch as we walk through how we carefully craft our job descriptions to connect with only qualified applications. Plus how we sift through candidates and find only the cream of the crop, while also paying significantly less than what others would pay for the same qualified candidates.

Creating Your Offer
The Launch Process
Onboarding Sequence
Measuring & Analytics
Growth & Scaling

Module 5. How you position your software in terms of pricing is crucial. We’ll cover a variety of different types of pricing, including how we quickly create a spike of revenue to help cover overhead costs. We’ll show you how we carefully tweak pricing as your software goes from alpha to beta and beta to release candidate.

Module 6. Ready to start making sales? Follow this proven launch road map to help get your software ready to market. Learn the secrets to how we get in front of red-hot buyers who are begging to purchase your product.

Module 7. One of the keys to software is consumption! Getting your new customers or free trial members using your app. This module will show you how we create simple, yet effective onboarding sequences to get your members engaged with your software and using it regularly. This will significantly impact your sales, customers who upgrade to larger plans and customer retention.

Module 8. Measuring is vital and can be the difference between success and failure. Measure application/resources consumption so you can plan for scaling and growth. Monitor revenue metrics such as churn rate, projected revenue based on existing subscriptions and growth.

Module 9. We started with 1 part-time designer and 1 part-time developer and have worked our way up to entre development, design, support and QA departments. There are fairly different approaches and ways of handling growth – which is exactly what we’ll teach you in this module.

Ideation Worksheet

Bonus 1. Use the exact templates to help clearly identify the business problem and how your product solves the needs of your potential customers – while at the same time, validating your app will sell with virtual certainty.

Bonus-200-DesihnUI Worksheet
Design / UI Cheatsheet

Bonus 2. The ultimate resource for speeding up design by 5x, optimizing your workflow, and accessing UX code components from across the web, for professional design kits, input effects, navigations, typography, charts/graphs, modals, maps and more.

SaaS Readiness Checklist

Bonus 3. This turn-key blueprint is your step-by-step launch checklist to ensure you have all of your basis covered when you bring your software to market.

Hiring Hacks

Bonus 4. Hiring the RIGHT people is a combination of experience and science.  Inside this guide, I walk you through everything from The Interview Process, Where in the World to Hire, Specific Tips for Design vs Development vs Support, and How to Mitigate Risk when Hiring.

Development Process

Bonus 5. Ready to build your software 70% faster than most bloated, large overhead sized companies?  Use this lean, seamless approach to taking your idea to market, FAST.

Stages of SaaS Evolution & Growth

Bonus 6. This cheat sheet helps guide you to your first 10 customers, first 100, first 1000 and first 10,000 customers – showing you which marketing activities you should focus on during each stage in your SaaS growth.

Code Management SOP

Bonus 7. Our Chief Technical Officer gives a rare look inside our organization and maps out our exact standard operating procedure for code management.  Including how to handle code backups, addressing urgent bug fixes, managing features & enhancements, pushing code from development to your live server and handling code with multiple developers/designers.

Security Checklist

Bonus 8. We take security extremely serious and you should to.  That is why we included a security checklist that walks you through basic & advanced server protection, identifying potential hacks and intrusions, protection against DDoS attacks, protecting sensitive customer data, how to mitigate data risk and handling employee permissions/access within your company.

Hot Seat Interviews

Bonus 9. I sat down with leading Software Entrepreneurs, where you’ll have their rare insights into how they grew their own companies to the 6-8 figures per year mark.  Learn to avoid the biggest mistakes they made along the way and how to implement the growth hacks they used to bootstrap their apps to the tops of their market.

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